Thriving Disciples Cohort

Our Thriving Disciples Cohort is a four-month intensive that helps individuals, couples, and ministry teams to both receive experience and then create the experience of a FULLY ALIVE walk with Immanuel in the context of an emotionally healthy Christian community. People are getting results and multiplying these realities with others beyond what we ever expected.

This first section is about orienting others into an emotionally healthy atmosphere. There are two critical elements to this first module. It's essential to understand how to not only lay the foundation of an emotionally healthy culture but also be equipped to steward the inevitable growth you are going to experience.

People will immediately sense your culture to see if it's safe and loving. Therefore, one must take the time to build a foundation to create a stable, loving atmosphere of secure attachments. If you don't understand how to design this reality, it becomes challenging to create one. With increased clarity, it will be much easier to incarnate these realities.

Knowing who you belong to, in the context of securely attached relationships creates healthy identity formation with long-term stability. As this reality grows stronger, the time will come to address deeper relational and emotional blocks to one's growth and identity safely and effectively. Healthy, biblical discipleship must include helping individuals fully form into their God-given identity unto fullness of maturity in Christ. 

Upon establishing a securely attached culture and identifying one’s identity in the context of spiritual family, we now shift to identifying significant taproots that have negatively impacted individuals and those closest to them.

Healing occurs when one realizes God was always with us in our most painful memories. Our memories are made complete when we perceive and understand His narrative. When Jesus encounters someone here, His thoughts and feelings toward us bring clarity, peace, and closure.

Click to schedule a discovery call with someone from our team to learn more about our four-month intensive, Thriving Disciples Cohort.

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