Why You Should Partner with Hesed Discipleship Network?

When you partner financially with Hesed Discipleship Network, you strengthen the movement of emotionally healthy disciples and Christian communities across the world!

You propel the Gospel to be unleashed to this next generation who long to be a part of a deeply loving and emotionally mature community and extended spiritual family, fully developing into Jesus's image. Your gift to this ministry is not just a donation; it is both an investment and a partnership to fulfill Jesus’ final priestly prayer before the Cross! (John 17:20-25)

Will you partner with us today with a gift to help advance this mission?

Partner with Us Today!

Donate to Hesed Discipleship Network

All contributions to Hesed Discipleship Network are tax-deductible to the extent allowable under applicable law.

"May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you sent Me." (John 17:21)

We Appreciate Your Prayer and Financial Support!

Hesed Discipleship Network exists to coach and equip everyday disciples on how to create emotionally healthy community, for FREE, so that they may live together from their hearts and not their hurts without confusion.

What started as a simple training years ago has led to the emergence of transformational, disciple making communities, an increase of thriving ministry leaders, and increased expressions of spiritual families and forms of churches being planted.

Hesed Discipleship Network

© 2024 Hesed Discipleship Network


Hesed Discipleship Network is a 501(c)3
Nonprofit Organization