We help everyday disciples to thrive by learning to live fully alive from the heart Jesus gave them, in the context of an emotionally healthy Christian community.


We exist to equip the Church practically on how to experience and multiply ongoing emotionally healthy community.

Our organization offers live events, experiential learning communities, courses and coaching for everyday disciples, ministry leaders and Church networks.

Meet The Team

Free Coaching

Network Gatherings

Hear directly from some of those

who are growing in Hesed love.

Frequently Asked Questions

So, what is it exactly that you do?

We provide clarity and confidence through a very simple training pathway for others seeking an emotionally healthy community in their local context.

In other words, we equip people with the minimum viable skills necessary, in conjunction with a small group of your friends together to create a highly joyful, emotionally healthy culture in just a few months!

How is your training accomplished?

We strongly recommend starting with a 4-Week LIVE Hesed Learning Community Experience!

It’s in the Learning Community where folks will learn about the S.A.L.V.E. relational skills framework through live teachings, course content, community interaction and ongoing coaching throughout.

S.A.L.V.E. stands for:



Listen to My Body


Emotional Maturity

For those who are getting results creating an Emotionally Healthy Community in just a few months, we recommend the two following training tracks:

Track 1 is to complete the initial 4 Week Hesed Learning Community training where you learn the fundamental relational skills necessary for this journey (S.A.L.V.E Framework).

Track 2 is your next step that provides all of the content, ongoing coaching and encouragement necessary to help you (a) find your small group of friends to then (b) walk out the S.A.L.V.E skills as a heart-focused, Hesed community over a period of 6 to 12 months for maximum results.

When is your next Live Hesed Learning Community Experience?

We host Learning Community Experiences throughout the year on a regular basis.

Please email  for dates of our upcoming trainings.

What is the overall goal of this training?

The goal is for you to have the clarity and confidence to launch a heart focused community using a simple relational discipleship framework to help you experience an emotionally healthy culture that will rapidly increase and accelerate one’s emotional and spiritual maturity. In addition, we provide the tools to help remove toxic shame that continues to limit or destroy healthy expressions of Christian community.

How do I contact you?

If you have any questions or want to know more about our upcoming Hesed Learning Community Trainings, please email us at We would love to hear from you!

THIS.... is Hesed Training!

“Can You Please Help?”

“I’ve Read All The Books on Joy, Trauma Healing and Emotional Maturity and I’m Not Sure Where to Go From Here…”

Click to learn more about a Hesed Learning Community Experience

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Church communities with a high energy, “git’ er done!” culture are precious before Heaven though can often get stuck making “The Mission” and Heaven’s work FAR more important than Kingdom relationships with one another. To get unstuck, it’s critical to have a simple discipleship training pathway which includes relational skill development to overcome this obstacle.


Though hospitality and friendliness are a necessary start to Christian small groups, the challenge becomes how safe and trusting can that same environment truly go with more emotional depth, handling conflict well and treating weakness with the tenderness of Jesus. We help communities safely go deeper beyond the surface to skillfully navigate overwhelming emotions and how to repair well when there is rupture which is critical to developing spiritual and emotional health.

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You’ve taken the time to learn, study and practice to grow in emotional health and maturity with your people!

CONGRATULATIONS…you have done some amazing work with God’s help and are making a tremendous difference by transforming more into the image of Christ. Are you also ready to take one more small step forward to partner with Jesus in a way that extends Kingdom beyond what you thought possible?


Sustainability is the capacity to endure in a relatively ongoing way across various domains of life. There is no question that in 2020, the Global Pandemic tested the prevailing structures of large gatherings and Christian Community life. In God’s economy, much of the Gospel spread and multiplied worldwide through scattering more so than gathering. Therefore, are our Christian Communities designed to weather all storms, conditions and scenarios and still go on? And, can they survive and thrive beyond themselves for generations?

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Why Hesed Discipleship?

Discover the limitations of most of today’s discipleship training models, how transformation happens most powerfully and how the Church CAN equip everyday believers moving forward in a world growing more exceedingly divided.

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Hesed Discipleship Simplified

Stories are shared how developing Hesed is walked out in every day life, in family, at work, etc… two everyday guys discussing together how cultivating these realities have impacted every aspect of life within their discipleship journey.

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Hesed Discipleship Modeled

Explore some of the simple, practical, scalable tools (such as “How to Find Your Three” as Jesus had) and the relational skills that are part of the
Creating Emotionally Healthy Community Free Training.


What Others Are Saying About Hesed

"Relational discipleship has played a vital role in my healing and self-discovery journey the last few years. Having a safe place to know and be known and love and be loved, in the midst of all my “stuff” has been life-changing. Jesus came, not only to save the Lost, but also to bring freedom to the captive, heal the broken heart and restore the wounded soul. Through life-giving relationships and community, I am now experiencing the transforming power of God through emotional maturity, wholeness, and a true understanding of who I was created to be. I am excited to walk more fully in my God-given purpose and to love others well as I continue this path of freedom in Christ"


Pam J.

Mother, Home Church Leader,
Inner Healing Ministry

"(As a Church leader) Where do you find life-giving soul-sharing w/ others? What I’ve been experiencing the last 9 months is that 8-10-12 guys gathered weekly around a fire pit has ignited this kind of life-rich, life-strengthening, life-giving, life-sharing. It’s natural, powerful, beautiful & personal. Invest a little into it & you’ll reap abundant returns from it. Personal, spiritual, relational, work stuff, family, friend & many other life realities get processed across the flames w/ humorous & serious sharing. Give it a try...if you (or your Churches) are hungry for soul-sharing w/ friends. You’ll be amazed what might break-through & break-out when you let the flames (of Hesed love) & the Spirit invite your heart out to play in the company of a few others. Grab a few friends & plan your 1st experience now (with this ministry). Go for it!"


Craig Cheney

Executive Pastor, Heartland Church

"I (often) found myself frustrated and unintentionally rejected in the rooms and conversations I was a part of. My life had become a manifestation of resulting insecurity and self-doubt - not only within ministry, but more importantly within my own home. Being given a space with my brothers to heal, belong, and safely mature into more honest expressions of ourselves has directly impacted and rewired the way I listen to and serve and love my wife and children. My work, within the context of 'ministry', flows directly from the love I give and receive at home. The relationships upon which this pathway is built have been utilized in concert with the loving relationship and Kingship of Jesus to awaken a real-life application of His words and actions in a way that moves in partnership with His Spirit."


Pete Kirwan

Worship Leader and Pastor of New City Neighborhoods,
New City Church

"Hanging with Chris has been one of the most healing and restorative mentoring experiences of my life. As an apostolic leader, it can be difficult to find mentors who not only understand how pioneering leaders are wired, but are uniquely gifted to maximize their potential as leaders. Plus, his focus on relationship over program is so refreshing! I'm so grateful for Chris' wisdom, his friendship, and his empowering role in my life."


Cory Ozbon

Disciple Making Movement Catalyst, Novo/KC Underground

"As a person who has planted churches, led large churches, and is now leading a decentralized network of micro-churches in our city, I’ve had a 20 year obsession with understanding how it is the Spirit changes people and how it is that we can best partner with the Spirit in that process. My journey with Chris, has helped me to hone in on one of the “missing pieces” that I had intuited in my own journey, but didn’t know how to best activate it in others, let alone scale it out so many could be equipped. Our partnership has brought incredible clarity around how it is that Jesus has integrated spiritual, emotional, and relational maturity into a seamless whole. I truly believe as you walk through this process you will likely say, “This is that missing piece of disciple-making we’ve been looking for."


Rob Wegner

KC Underground Co-Founder,
#1 Best Selling Author
'Starfish and The Spirit'

"Over the past 25+ years, my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ got a hold of me and the Holy Spirit has given me the boldness of evangelism to share my faith pretty much anywhere and with anyone. I would invite guys to join me (somewhere locally) to talk about life, family, work and Jesus was really pretty amazing. Through this, I found a smaller group of guys, Chris, Brad and Bud all with different gifts provided by GOD and we would get together, to talk about life, lift each other up and share what GOD has been doing in life...It was our Tribe. During the pandemic, we couldn't go back to a physical church, but the Tribe would get together in a garage, patio and help one another get through life during this challenge. Over the past year and a half during the pandemic when church buildings were closed, it is almost as if Jesus HIMSELF was saying, I didn't tell you to build a building and call it a church...I called you to be my church, go and be my disciple. When Jesus sent His disciples out, they never went alone, they had a Tribe."


George Weyrauch

Business Owner, Rock Creative Network

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Hesed Discipleship Network is a 501(c)3
Nonprofit Organization