Oil of Gladness
Silent Retreats Ministry


Oil of Gladness Silent Retreat

An Introduction to Silence, Solitude and Contemplative Meditation

Welcome to a retreat space prepared just for you to be quiet, dial down into shalom, and discover Father's delight in being with you! This will be a time and space to wonder with Holy Spirit, wander with Jesus and attune to our triune God.

This retreat will begin in a group setting, sharing together around themes of our Image of God, the difference between silence and solitude and an introduction to Contemplative Meditation.

What This Retreat Offers:

Designed to give followers of Jesus a space to pull away from daily life and be alone with God in a rural setting with a pond, buffalo and walking trail, retreatants will learn about dealing with distractions and setting a rhythm in one's prayer life. Spiritual Direction will be available if one desires.

You’ll learn about practicing contemplative meditation that will be transferable to one’s prayer life at home. You’ll also learn about dealing with distractions and setting a rhythm in your prayer life.

Training our minds to be still, learning to listen for the speaking voice of God, and how we can interact with the Creator of the Universe are at the core of this retreat. 

There will be simple meals personally prepared for you. Some meals will be in silence and some will be together where all retreatants will be invited to share their silent retreat journey if so desired.

You’ll walk away from this event having learned to be quiet with God and know He enjoys being with you without an agenda and that the joy of the Lord is truly your strength, and that He is gladder than glad to be with you!

Space is limited, you must register to attend.

What People Are Saying About Oil of Gladness Silent Retreats:

“I learned to be quiet with God and know He enjoys being with me without an agenda.”

“I am learning how to just be instead of being a ‘doing’ Christian.”

"I can hear the voice of God more clearly.”



Jane is a passionate lover of Jesus. Creating a space for men, women and children to encounter Father, Son and Spirit brings her great joy. Jane is a retired Pastor with years of experience of teaching others to pray, connect with God and be with Him, learning to hear his voice. Jane is an intercessor who loves to go to the Throne Room with others to be a community of intercessors in unity with the Spirit.

Jane has an MDiv from Bethany Theological Seminary with emphasis in Pastoral Ministry and Spiritual Direction. She has led many Retreats during her 35 active ordination years in the Church of the Brethren and Vineyard Churches. She has pastored and co-pastored 3 churches.


$125 Per Individual - $175 Per Couple


Arrive Friday September 6th between 5-7 PM

Depart Sunday September 8th at 3 PM

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner will be provided on Saturday

Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on Sunday


Buffalo Ridge Retreat Center

1203 Finney Rd

Williamsburg, KS 66095

1203 Finney Rd, Williamsburg, KS 66095, USA